
This is a quick necessary process the helps narrow down and determine how much you can afford!

Lenders typically recommend a home that costs no more than three to five times your annual household income.

Finding “The One”

I will tailor listings based on your criteria. I funnel all properties and pick the best to view, and will filter out the homes that will not work.

Most buyers look at approximately 5-7 properties and are then ready to make an offer. At that time, if you have not found a home you are looking for - it's HIGHLY recommended that we sit down and review your criteria to make sure that we are still looking for the right house!

Once you find one you love... it's time to determine the market value of that property. I will compare that home to others that have sold and from there we will determine the value for the home!

Making An Offer

Now is the exciting time! When you are ready to write an offer, I will walk you through the contract. It is important to write a fair offer or you can run the risk of the seller not responding or even losing the property to another buyer making an offer.

• Write the Offer

• Negotiate the Offer

• Satisfy Conditions

Home Inspections

The immediate step after your offer is accepted is to schedule a home inspection. You will have a certain number of days to complete this inspection after the offer was accepted. Your home inspection will make you aware of defective or problems relating to the safely of the home.

Appraisal, Title Search & Lender Letter

The title is right to own, possess, use and control of a property. When purchasing a home you are buying a owners title to the home. Before closing a title search is done to ensure there are no liens, or problems that might prevent a clean title for you to close on the home.

An appraisal, is an estimate of the property value. The approval is not only to justify the lender's investment, but to help keep the buyer from overpaying on a property. Your lender will typically hire an appraiser and charge you the fee at closing.

Final commitment lender's letter approves your home loan! You will receive a letter and loan term to your mortgage agreement. Your final letter will include your annual percentage rates, monthly fees, and repayment info for the loan.

Closing Time

The closing process finalizes the sale of your home.

A few things to bring:

• A valid government issued photo ID

• Cashier's check payable for the total amount due

• Any outstanding documents for the title company or loan officer

Closing Costs:

Fees typically total 4% - 9% of the total purchase price and can include but are not limited too:

• Escrow Fees

• Recording fees

• Application and underwriting fees

• Appraisal Fees

• Local Transfer Taxes

• Homeowners Insurance

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